Saturday 11 June 2011

Trouble in Deorsingasham (part 1 of 2)

A quite day in the town of Deorsingasham, the locals go about their business ...

Some men keep are keeping a watch  ...
The vikings approach ....
The men on watch spot the vikings and the horn is blown to raise the alarm ...
As the vikings approach the men on watch and the people of a local farmstead head to the town
In the town the men are arming themselves while the women, children and old men head towards the safety of the nearby forest ...
The men gather, Aelfric the local thegn decides to hold off the vikings while the women and children  get to safety ...
The vikings approach the town cautiously ...
The vikings make a ferocious charge, the saxons just manage to hold their ground ...


to be continued ....


Paul O'G said...

Excellent! The Church looks great in action too :-)

Dan said...

Well done sir. Great pictures, your terrain and figures look amazing!